Tuesday 25 September 2012

New arrangements for Teacher Appraisal 

Following a public consultation between May and August 2011, new arrangements for managing teacher performance in England have been introduced. They came into force on 1 September 2012.

 The new arrangements for teacher appraisal, including new regulations, remove unnecessary prescription and give schools much greater freedom to design their own appraisal policies.

The regulations are mandatory for maintained schools and local authorities.

The main differences are:
  • The three hour limit on classroom observations has been removed – so that schools have the flexibility to decide what is appropriate for themselves.
  • Each year, all teachers’ performance must be assessed against the relevant standards – so that leaders can make sure that their teachers’ performance continues to meet expectations.
  • The overlap between the current appraisal and capability systems has been removed - so that under-performance can be tackled more swiftly and effectively.

More information can be found here...

Pulse Training and Development are running half day Appraisal Workshops in Wigan and Bolton early October as refreshers or for those new to the role.

Wigan - Wednesday 4th October or Tuesday 9th October
Bolton - Wednesday 10th October or Tuesday 16th October

Limited places so please book early.
Call Judy on 07740 432986 or email judy@pulsetraininganddevelopment.co.uk